
ROBUG Arduino Based Hexapod Robot Kit (Black) Robot Kits Jsumo

4.7 (180) · € 40.99 · En Stock

ROBUG Arduino Based Hexapod Robot Kit (Black) Robot Kits Do it yourself Arduino Based Hexapod Robot kit. Educational Bug Robot kit suitable for beginners! ROBUG: Jsumo
Do it yourself Arduino Based Hexapod Robot kit. Educational Bug Robot kit suitable for beginners! ROBUG: Cool Bug Robot From JSumo Our Arduino based developable robot kit. Comes as unassembled.  (Very easy to assemble.) You can build your Hexapod robot with Robug kit. Servo motors, sensors directly connected to Arduino Shield. HERE THE ALL PARTS YOU WILL HAVE, WHEN YOU ORDER FROM JSUMO. All electronics & hardware included. What’s Included? Arduino Uno R3 Sensor Shield HCSR04 Ultrasonic Sensor MG90 Micro Servo SG90 Micro Servos (2) 6mm Brass Standoffs (26) 25mm Brass Standoffs (8) M3x5mm Stainless Steel Machine Screws (60) M3 Nylon Locking Nuts (10) Based on Arduino Software Our Hexapod Robot Code is open sourced. You can use for developing too.The standard code will be sent to customers.Code is below: #include   //// Servo Objects Decleration Servo RightServo; Servo LeftServo; Servo MiddleServo;   /////////////// Ultrasonic Sensor Tirgger and Exho Pins // 9 and 8 is pin numbers. int trigpin = 9; int echopin = 8;    // Centering Values can be changed depending on assembly.  // Please try to make center servo horns near to 90 degree. and after that tune with below values.  // Values are in degrees. int MiddleCenterValue = 96; int RightCenterValue = 83; int LeftCenterValue = 80;     // Below values are used for step distance and lift height. values are in degrees. int StepSize = 20; int MiddleLiftSize = 30;   void setup() {   RightServo.attach(A3);   LeftServo.attach(A5);   MiddleServo.attach(A4);   Serial.begin(9600);   pinMode(trigpin, OUTPUT);   pinMode(echopin, INPUT);   }   void Reference() {   /////Reference Centers////   RightServo.write(RightCenterValue);   LeftServo.write(LeftCenterValue);   MiddleServo.write(MiddleCenterValue);   delay(3500); }   void Forward() {   RightServo.write(RightCenterValue + StepSize); // RightServo Forward step   LeftServo.write(LeftCenterValue + StepSize); // LeftServo back step   MiddleServo.write(MiddleCenterValue - MiddleLiftSize); // RightServoyu lift   delay(100);     MiddleServo.write(125); // MiddleServo centered   delay(60);     RightServo.write(55); // RightServo back step   LeftServo.write(55); // LeftServo Forward step   MiddleServo.write(125); // LeftServoyu lift   delay(100);     MiddleServo.write(65); // MiddleServo centered   delay(60); } void Retreat() { // This function used when ultrasonic sensor see something and it tries to retreat and turn.     for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {           RightServo.write(125);     LeftServo.write(LeftCenterValue);     MiddleServo.write(125);     delay(200);       RightServo.write(RightCenterValue);     LeftServo.write(LeftCenterValue);     MiddleServo.write(65);     delay(200);       RightServo.write(RightCenterValue);     LeftServo.write(125);     MiddleServo.write(65);     delay(200);       RightServo.write(RightCenterValue);     LeftServo.write(LeftCenterValue);     MiddleServo.write(125);     delay(200);   }   } void loop()  {    //Reference(); // Not used in real code, we use for calibration.       // Forward(); You can call forward function and comment below if statement for direct walking gait.         // Ultrasonic sensor reading function    long duration, distance;     digitalWrite(trigpin, LOW);     delayMicroseconds(2);     digitalWrite(trigpin, HIGH);     delayMicroseconds(10);     digitalWrite(trigpin, LOW);     duration = pulseIn(echopin, HIGH);     distance = (duration / 2) / 29.1;     Serial.println(distance);       /// We look for ditance value, if it is bigger than 30cm we contiune Forward routine.     // if shorther then 30 cm we call retreat routine.   if (distance > 30) {       Forward();     }     else if (distance < 30) {       Retreat();     }        }

Hexapod Robots - RobotShop

Programmable Robot Kits for Beginners

JSUMO - M5 Industry Mechatronics

ROBUG Arduino Based Hexapod Robot Kit (Black) Robot Kits Jsumo

Hexapod Robots - RobotShop

ROBUG Arduino Based Hexapod Robot Kit (Black) Robot Kits Jsumo

JSUMO - M5 Industry Mechatronics

ROBUG Arduino Based Hexapod Robot Kit (Black) Robot Kits Jsumo

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