
What is Sirius Black's name based off? - Quora

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Did Snape know that Sirius was innocent before he went to Azkaban? - Quora

What is Sirius Black's name based off? - Quora

Harry's Hogsmeade form was signed by Sirius Black. Why did nobody notice a student's permission form was signed by a wanted criminal? - Quora

What is Sirius Black's name based off? - Quora

How old is Sirius Black at the end of Harry Potter? - Quora

In Harry Potter, how was Sirius Black's life before he attended Hogwarts? When did he start hating his family and why? Was it because of the influence of James Potter? - Quora

This is a Harry Potter question, could the veil that killed Sirius destroy Horcruxes? - Quora

Do you think Sirius and Bellatrix were close as children? She might have been an older sister figure for him who told him scary stories as a kid. - Quora

Why do so many people in Harry Potter fandom feel that Ben Barnes is the best person to play Sirius Black? - Quora

If Sirius Black was innocent, why wasn't he freed from Azkaban? Did Dumbledore care about Sirius or not? - Quora

What are some good fanfictions involving Sirius's daughter? - Quora